Here I am in my beloved Sopot.
From "Ivan Vazov" boulevard, I quickly find "General Kartsov" street and head to the foot of the historic Trapeto hill, where I park.
I get out of my car and wash my hands and face from the Church Fountain located in front of the Revival Church "Holy Saints Peter and Paul".

After the construction of the revival church next to the older spiritual center - the Virgin's monastery (metoch), the metoch continued to be the center of cultural life in Sopot and even grew into a kind of spiritual and educational complex.

In 1665, the virgin monastery "Introduction of the Virgin" was founded by nun Susanna. It was erected on the site of a very old chapel.
After nun Susanna founded the monastery and became its first abbess, her successors in the management of the monastery in the first half of the 18th century were the nuns Paraskeva, Melania and Eugenia, with the last abbess until her death in 1755. These nuns were also teachers in the girls' cell school, which experienced a special boom in the 1830s, when Elena Todorova Bencheva, known by her monastic name Eupraxia, became a teacher there. She was born in 1715 in the great and famous Benchevi family of Sopot, and besides being the abbess of the monastery for more than 50 years, she taught until she was old. She was buried with many honors on August 15, 1806, behind the altar of the monastery church.
During Ottoman slavery, when the security for physical survival of Christians was reduced to a minimum, women's monastic communities were formed under the wing (or near) of men's monasteries or metos. This is the case with the Virgin Monastery (metoch) attached to the Hilendar Men's Metoch.

I bend my head to go through the small, low, narrow door. Everything around is strangely silent, not even the birds can be heard on the branches of the dozens of trees around the yard.
"Vavedeni Bogorodicno" was built near the Hilendar metoch, which was burned down by the Kardjalians in 1794, but left the name metoch, which was transferred to the virgin monastery, without it being a metoch itself.

Paisiy Hilendarski came here, in this Hilendar metoch, and brought his "History of Slavonic Bulgaria", which was transcribed many times, and of which two later copies from 1828 and 1845 are known under the name "Sopot Revisions of Father Paisi's History".

I walk slowly on the cobblestones. It's quiet here. There is no one around. Even the wind has stopped and the air is heavy in its stillness.
Probably soon after the formation of the monastic sisterhood, a cell school was opened in the monastery, which is one of the earliest girls' schools in the Bulgarian lands. Monastery novices and girls from Sopot, as well as girls from elsewhere, are trained there.

In addition to teaching, the nuns are also engaged in literary activities. And this is understandable, considering the existence of a lively literary life in Sopot's monasteries and churches, dating back to the time before the arrival of the Ottoman enslaver. This is evidenced by several manuscript books preserved to this day - damascenes, written in the local book studios (the Tikhonrav damascene from the 17th century and another preserved in the Belgrade library).

An active literary life was also conducted in the virgin monastery, but information about it is scarce. Only some old printed books remain.
In the 18th century, the nun Eupraksia was engaged in literary activity here. She remains in history with her copy of "History of Slavonic Bulgaria". We learn about this work of hers from the note "Metochskoe skazanie" left by her in an old printed gospel:
In the summer of 1768, Hillendar monk Father Paisiy, who had created the History of Slavonic Bulgaria, came here, and I copied this book for use during the most difficult times of the heavy Agarian yoke. Our people and Orthodox faith suffered a lot.
1803 summer
The information about this transcript is extremely important, because it appears to be the second in time after that of Sophronius of Vrachan, as well as the second written according to the original and in the presence of Paisius of Hilendar. It is also the first transcript known to date to have been made by a woman. Unfortunately, this valuable monument has not been preserved to this day. It is assumed that he suffered during the Kardzhalian attacks on Sopot or during the burning of the city in 1877, when many churches and monasteries were burned.

The church of the monastery, preserved from the third quarter of the 17th century, is interesting for its architectural layout – there is no pronounced apse on the eastern side, it is without a dome and is semi-underground (half buried in the ground), measuring 6 meters x 13 meters. Originally, probably in the 15th century, it was built as a separate chapel.
In its original form, the church has survived to this day and was renovated only in 1972. A frieze with small icons of the twelve apostles has been preserved from the old iconostasis.
Later, in 1665, residential buildings were built and the monastery was established.

Only one other such church is known in Bulgaria - a unique national cultural monument - the church of "St. St. Theodore Tiron and Theodore Stratilat" in Dobno.
Interesting are the wall paintings preserved in it from the 17th century - the so-called saints without heads, and the painting of the royal order of the iconostasis.

Also interesting is the preserved residential building with verandas from the 18th century, which miraculously survived the burning of Sopot by the Turks in 1877, together with the church, and in which the cell of the girls' prison school, which operated until 1850, has been preserved.
The monastery was connected with the revolutionary activity of the Deacon.
On the first floor of the monastery was the cell of the abbess Hristina. From her cell was also the entrance to Vasil Levski's hiding place, which is now open and can be seen from the courtyard.
This excellent refuge was used by the Deacon in the period 1869-1872.
The patriotic Bulgarian helped the revolutionary cause not only by offering shelter, but also by carrying out orders given personally by Levski - she had to go to Stara Zagora, Chirpan, Lovech and Tarnovo.

Thanks to the nun Hristina, who watched over him with the spirit of a protective mother, Vasil Levski managed to see his mother, Gina Kuncheva, who was at that time residing in Metoh, as well as to devote himself to the revolutionary work - in the hiding place he worked on the creation of the draft constitution of the Internal Revolutionary Organization.
In 1877, when the monastery and the town were burned down, the abbess Hristina was brutally slaughtered by the Bashibozus.
The grave with the memorial plaque of the abbess Hristina can still be seen today on the south side of the church.
In the monastery there was a scriptorium for transcribing church literature, as well as an icon painting school for nuns, which operated until the 1930s.
After the construction of the western residential wing in the 18th century, preserved to this day in its original form, with its impressive verandas, the cell girls' school was housed on the second floor of the largest cell. Many girls were educated in this school, a large number of whom became teachers and spread light through their knowledge in various parts of the enslaved fatherland. One of them is the Bulgarian teacher and revolutionary Nedelya Petkova Karaivanova, also known as Grandma Nedelya.

After the fire, it was rebuilt, preserving the old chapel with fragments of paintings and several icons, the fountain in the courtyard from 1832, as well as the hiding place of Vasil Levski, the cell of the nun Hristina, who hid the Deacon, as well as the cells of Hadji Rovoama and the novice Rada Mistress, heroines of the novel "Under the Yoke" by Vazov.

The old stone fountain, built in 1832, is an extremely interesting architectural object in the layout of the monastery courtyard, located between the oven and the food block. It impresses with its decorative decoration, including built-in columns, plastic niches and an elegant gable pediment. Form and ornament, precise proportions, clean detail - everything about her is in harmony with the emotional charge of the Renaissance.

The vine that survived the fire, which is about 350 years old and continues to produce grapes, together with the 500-year-old vine from the Batkun monastery "St. St. Peter and Paul" are considered to be one of the oldest vines in South-Eastern Europe.
Virgin Monastery "Vavedeni Bogorodichno" (metoch) is a Bulgarian Orthodox virgin monastery in the Plovdiv Diocese of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church.
Virgin Monastery "Vavedeni Bogorodichno" (metoch) has been declared an immovable cultural value (NCC) / cultural monument with the category of national importance - folk antiquities and architectural and constructional NCC.
Virgin Monastery "Introduction of the Virgin" (metoch) is site number 43 of the 100 national tourist sites of Bulgaria.
Sources of information:
Towards the middle of the 19th century, the cell monastery school became cramped and could no longer satisfy the increased needs for secular education, which is why the idea of creating a new school matured. This became a reality with the help of the wealthier residents and with the exceptional support of the great Sopot patriot Kiril Nektariev.
The New Bulgarian Girls' School was opened in 1851, and the building was built in the courtyard of the Revival Church "Holy Apostles Peter and Paul" and west of the Maiden's Monastery. It grew into a school in 1874.
In the 70s of the 19th century, the ardent patriots Rada Popova and Maria Bulgarova taught at the school, known as the Radina School, who later became the prototypes of Rada Gospozhina in Ivan Vazov's novel "Under the Yoke".
In addition to "Under the Yoke", the Virgin's Monastery "Introduction of the Virgin" (metoch) is described by Vazov and in many other works of his: "New Earth", "Chichovtsi", "Hadji Ahil".

I say goodbye to the Radino School and head in the direction of the Ethnographic and Craft Center "Sopot Guild".

On the historic hill of Trapeto, where the church of the Holy Mother of God, known as the Upper Church, burned down in 1877 by the Turks, stood today, today I find the chapel of the Intercession of the Virgin - right opposite the composition "I am Bulgarian".

The patriarch of Bulgarian literature Ivan Vazov was born on July 9, 1850 in the city of Sopot in the old house of his family.

In 1964, the "Ivan Vazov" house-museum was declared a cultural monument of national importance.
House-Museum "Ivan Vazov" is site number 43 of the 100 national tourist sites of Bulgaria.
The path to the majestic and so charming Sopot waterfall on the Manastirska River starts from the Sopot Men's Monastery "Ascension of the Lord".

Here is the heart of the waterfall, which constantly beats in time with the Balkans.
How to get to the city of Sopot?
Sopot is a city in Central Bulgaria, Plovdiv district. It is located about 5 kilometers west of the town of Karlovo.
The city is the administrative center of the Sopot municipality.
Sopot is located in the fertile Stremska Valley at 510 meters above sea level, literally nestled in the incredibly beautiful southern slopes of the Stara Planina.
The name of the city comes from the Proto-Slavic word sopot, which means a roaring stream, spring.
Near the town is the starting station of the chair lift to the "Nezabravka" hut, which is the longest in the Balkans.

There are many lodges in the surroundings of Sopot, which can be reached by marked trails. One of them is Nezabravka hut (3 hours). Various tourist routes start from it. You can head to Mount Levski (2 hours), "Ambaritsa" hut (3 hours) and "Dermenka" hut (3 hours).
In the Pochivaloto area there are conditions for paragliding and it is there that the intermediate station (at 1,389 meters above sea level) of the ropeway to the "Nezabravka" hut in Stara Planina is located.

Sopot is the most famous airbase in Bulgaria. It is located at the southern foot of Stara planina.
National, international and world paragliding competitions are held every year in the city of Sopot on the territory of the Shambala European Center for Extreme Sports and Meditation.

The Sub-Balkan road* passes through the city, and Sopot is also close to road II-64 Karlovo - Plovdiv.
*Republican road I-6, better known as the Sub-Balkan road, is a first-class road from the Republic road network of Bulgaria with a direction from west to east, crossing the territory of nine districts: Kyustendilska, Pernishka, Sofia region, Sofiaska, Plovdivska, Starozagorska, Sliven, Yambol and Burgas.
Its total length is 508.5 km, which makes it the longest national road in Bulgaria.
Sopot stands at:
134 kilometers (about 2 hours by car) from the capital
65 kilometers (about 1 hour and 15 minutes by car) from the city of Plovdiv
370 kilometers (about 4 hours and 44 minutes by car) from the city of Varna
298 kilometers (about 2 hours and 58 minutes by car) from the city of Burgas
Sopot is connected by bus lines to Karlovo and the surrounding villages. From Karlovo, at small intervals, there are buses leading to Ivan Vazov's hometown.
The address of the Sopot bus station is 75 Ivan Vazov Blvd.
Sopot railway station is connected to the Sofia-Karlovo-Burgas line.
You will find it about a kilometer south of the city and it is served by regular public transport.
How to get to Virgin Monastery "Vavedenie Bogorodichno" (metoch) in the city of Sopot?
Virgin Monastery "Introduction of the Virgin Mary" (metoch) in the city of Sopot is located west of the Revival Church "Holy Saints Apostles Peter and Paul".
The entrance to the metoha is through the churchyard of the Revival Church "Holy Saints Apostles Peter and Paul". The address of the temple is "Stara planina" street at the foot of the historic Trapeto hill, just below the "I am Bulgarian" composition.
In front of the temple there is a small but convenient parking lot, the access to which is from "General Kartsov" street.
What can be visited nearby?
The nearest town to Sopot is the town of Karlovo - located 5 kilometers (about 6 minutes by car) to the east.
In Karlovo, I recommend taking a walk to the Ethnographic Complex "Old Karlovo".
It includes five houses - cultural monuments of remarkable cultural value. These are:
Each of the houses gives birth to its own unique message that directs the guest in different directions, provokes desires and memories in him, makes him dream.
The integrity of the architectural ensemble is unique and inimitable, and every visitor could feel that great revival spirit that still roams the narrow cobbled streets of "Old Karlovo".
Ethnographic complex "Old Karlovo" is site number 44b of the 100 national tourist sites.
In Karlovo, I recommend taking a walk to the beautiful Suchurum waterfall.

Only about 40 kilometers northwest of the city of Karlovo (about 50 minutes by car) you will find the Freedom Arch monument, which is erected on the Goraltepe peak (1595 meters) near the Troyan pass (Troyan - Karnare pass).
From here, there are incredible panoramic views of Northern and Southern Bulgaria.

Only 24 kilometers west of the town of Karlovo (about 27 minutes by car) is the rose-scented village of Rozino, where thousands of fragrant roses bloom in spring.

Just 33 kilometers west of the city of Karlovo (about 35 minutes by car) you will find the historic town of Klisura.

Returning back in the direction of the Sub-Balkan road, continue in the direction of the city of Burgas.
You will soon see that the path forks. Continue straight without taking the turn that will take you to the Sub-Balkan Road. A path through the forest starts from the place, which will take you to the monument of Apriltsi, towering in the area of Zli dol, erected in 1961 in honor of the 85th anniversary of those memorable events.

Just 3.7 kilometers west of the town of Klisura (about 5 minutes by car) you will find the beautiful Klisura Waterfall.

Only 10 kilometers west of Klisursky waterfall (about 8 minutes by car) on the Podbalkansky road itself is the charming Antonovsky waterfall (also Antonsky waterfall or the Butterfly).

Near the Antonovsky waterfall is the peaceful, green and so beautiful village of Anton.

Just 6 kilometers west of the village of Anton (about 9 minutes by car) you will find the majestic ruins of the Elenska Basilica, which you should not miss in any case.

Near the ruins of the Elenska Basilica, as a memory of the destroyed Bulgarian monastery, in 2010, the "St. Ilia" chapel was erected and consecrated.

Just 5 kilometers south of the village of Anton (about 6 minutes by car) is the picturesque Midland jewel of Dushantsi.

Let your walk also take you to the beautiful church "St. St. Cyril and Methodius".

Dušanci is a delightful place in every season! Proof of this is the magnificent photo moments with the wonderful Christmas and New Year decorations, bringing so much delight to our senses!

At the end of the village, don't miss to turn left, where the authentic Roman Kufarita Bridge awaits you.

Continuing after the Kufarita bridge, the road will take you to the "St. George" chapel above Dushantsi, from where you will enjoy a wonderful view of the entire Zlatishko-Pirdop valley.

The road after the village will take you to Dushantsi Reservoir - magnificent in every season - in autumn, in winter and on the border between spring and summer. Enjoy it!

Just 13 kilometers west of the village of Anton (about 15 minutes by car) you will find the town of Zlatitsa.
In the city center, be sure to have a lot of fun in the "Grandfather's Glove" park.

Very close to Grandfather's Glove Park is the old clock tower.

From the old clock tower, head towards the northeastern part of Zlatitsa, north of the railway line, where "Stara planina" street is located. Taking it, you will soon find yourself outside the northern outskirts in the foothills of the Balkans, where the rumble will tell you that you are approaching Zlatiski Waterfall.

In the immediate vicinity of the waterfall itself are the stairs that will take you to the chapel of St. St. Cyric and Iulita. The place offers an extremely beautiful view of the entire Zlatishko-Pirdop valley.

If you continue to the left past the waterfall, you will find yourself at the Ascension Monastery and Spasovo Kladchenche.

Gergana fountain in the town of Zlatica, inspired by Slaveykov's "Fountain of the Whitefoot", is located about one kilometer south of the city center on Medet Street, not far from the last houses, on the road leading to the area of the same name, in the direction the village of Panagyurski colonies and the town of Panagyurishte.

Only 11 kilometers west of the town of Zlatica (about 13 minutes by car) you will find the uniquely beautiful and so arranged village of Chavdar.

Near the village are the uniquely beautiful and easily accessible Kazanite waterfalls - a natural phenomenon of five charming and beautiful waterfalls on the Bererei river, descending from a height of 15 meters, forming a cascade of clear ice water.

In Chavdar, an annual assembly is held on Mount Sveta Petka, which is located above the village. The locality is named after the patron saint of the village, Saint Petka.
The place is not accidental, because the view from it is extraordinary. From there you can see the entire Zlatishka valley, even the Topolnitsa river. A chapel "St. Petka" was built there.

Archaeological Park "Topolnitsa" is also located nearby.

All the unsurpassed beauty of the Zlatishko-Pirdopski historical region is collected in a single route "Wonders of the Zlatishko-Pirdopski region", prepared by me for you with a lot of love and which is a wonderful idea for the weekend!
All of the ideas presented here are totally relevant and doable within a weekend!
Only 20 kilometers south of the village of Anton (about 26 minutes by car) is the Archaeological-Historical Reserve City-Museum of Koprivshtitsa - site number 75 of the 100 national tourist sites of Bulgaria.

Near the town, I suggest you visit the impressively beautiful and so charming Koprivshtitsa station.

In Koprivshtitsa, you must take time and visit the Revival Church "St. Nicholas".

A walk through the green pastures around the city of Koprivshtitsa will shake you out of the gray everyday life and give you a positive boost, and I highly recommend it!

On a vast territory, located between the picturesque towns of Koprivshtitsa and Strelcha, you will find several ancient megalithic sanctuaries - Skumsale, Isara, Kiselitsa, Kulata.

Just 21 kilometers south of the town of Koprivshtitsa (about 25 minutes by car) you will find the charming jewel of Strelcha.
In the town of Strelcha, you can enjoy the singing and dancing fountain "The Ballerina".

Don't forget to bow your head near the majestic temple-monument "St. Archangel Michael" that rises in the city of Strelcha.

Only 11 kilometers south of the city of Karlovo (about 12 minutes by car) you will find the city of Banya - a source of health and beauty.

In the city of Banya, you can visit the Royal Palace.

And also to enjoy a charming bath walk while thousands of red roses bloom around.

12 kilometers east of Banya (about 18 minutes by car) is the charming Domlyan Reservoir, which is a great idea for a walk.

Uniquely beautiful rose bushes bloom in the village of Domlyan, which you can explore.

Just 16 kilometers southeast of the village of Domlyan (about 23 minutes by car) you will find the Svezhen Architectural and Historical Reserve.
In the village of Svezhen you can visit the church "Holy Apostles Peter and Paul".

You can visit the ruins of the old Church of St. George, near which foundations have been discovered - remains of cells plastered with mud plaster on the walls, which are supposed to have been inhabited by the scribes-calligraphers of the Adjarian School of Literature.

Just 11 kilometers southeast of the village of Svezhen (about 16 minutes by car) you will find the village of Babek. "Babek" dam is located nearby, near which you can take a wonderful walk.

22 kilometers south of the village of Svezhen (about 29 minutes by car) is the town of Brezovo.
In Brezovo, on a weekday, stop by the municipality to see the exhibition dedicated to Beethoven's best portraitist - Mincho Katsarov.

Another great Bulgarian artist - Zlatyo Boyadzhiev - is from Brezovo. His house in the city of Brezovo is open to the public and anyone who wants to can see it.

In Brezovo, you should not miss visiting the old school in Brezovo - one of the first secular schools in Bulgarian lands.

Directly opposite the school building stands the church "Saint Dimitar", built in 1843.

Only about 26 kilometers from the village of Svezhen (about 39 minutes by car) you can explore Kutela.

Quite nearby is also a natural landmark "Kitchest Gabor".

The village of Turia is located 8 kilometers north of the natural landmark "Kichest Gabar" (about 9 minutes by car).
In the village of Turia, you can explore the birthplace of Chudomir.

On the square in front of Chudomir's home, you can see a monument to the Chetnik Tsanko Minkov Dechev, born in Turia Botev - the Committee.

In the village of Turia, you can cross an authentic Roman bridge "Scocca".

Only 25 kilometers south of the city of Karlovo (about 26 minutes by car) you will find the green and peaceful Hisarya.

Hisarya offers its guests diverse and impressive attractions, which I have summarized in the following great itinerary ideas that everyone can benefit from:
Just 20 kilometers east of the town of Karlovo (about 33 minutes by car) is the start of the "Byala Reka" eco-trail near the town of Kalofer.
40 kilometers east of the town of Karlovo (about 40 minutes by car) is the town of Pavel Banya - hot mineral springs and the scent of roses.

3 kilometers east of the city of Pavel Banya (about 40 minutes by car) you will find
the village of Viden.
The proud ruins of the wonderful church "St. Anastasius" still stand near the village.

Only 55 kilometers from the city of Karlovo (about 53 minutes by car) is the city of Kazanlak.
In Kazanlak, you can visit the rose museum.

After viewing the museum's rich exposition, I suggest you take a relaxing walk through the wonderful alleys of Rosarium Park in the city of Kazanlak.

In the city of Kazanlak, I suggest you also visit the church "Saint Ilia", also known as the Kulen church.

Only 5 kilometers south of the city of Kazanlak (about 8 minutes by car) is the village of Buzovgrad, from where the wonderful eco-trail adventure "Path through the Ages" begins.
You shouldn't miss it for anything in the world!

And as a finale, my dear friends,
you shouldn't miss a look
the special album with photo moments –
discovered, experienced, captured and shared with you!