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Writer's pictureStefan Ivanov

Pulse Therme – the newest ultra-modern spa center in Bulgaria

Updated: Jul 10

A sparkling star shines through the Pirin region,

My Pirin, beloved,

beloved yet majestic

and you, Rila, lovely beauty, graceful beauty,

and you, Rhodopes, vast, nightingale forests green,

my mountains, high, covered with white snow!

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
Outdoor mineral pool at Pulse Therme

It was not a dazzling star-star,

most notably was Pulse Therme – a thermal spa center,

with pools most spacious and endless,

filled with mineral water,

healthy and clearest,

gracious and hot, gushing from Banya's springs,

with numerous thermal zones,

so many and varied,

countless and countless,

invisible, yet healing,

with wonderful wellness areas,

curative, medicinal,

healing, most soothing,

soothing yet invigorating!

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
Outdoor mineral pool at Pulse Therme

I was a dear guest at this SPA oasis - wellness center!

I tried its healing zones and I was so fascinated!

I experienced its healing caresses on myself and sighed deeply with delight!

My dear friends, even now, writing these lines and closing my eyes, I mentally transport myself again to this spa oasis of tranquility, once again pass the warm link connecting the Grand Hotel Therme and the Pulse Therme, expecting something impressive, something unexpected, something, which only Grand Hotel Therme can offer its guests!

What was waiting for me at the end of this corridor?

What spa delights did I witness?

What delightful surprises have the hosts of this charming place prepared for each of their guests?

I will now tell you all this in detail! With wonderful photo moments, I will illustrate my story and I will weave remarkable videos into it, so that my story will completely absorb you!

So... let me begin my story, and you take the most comfortable reading position and immerse yourself in my story.

Grand Hotel Therme
Grand Hotel Therme

Dear friends, this is the amazing Grand Hotel Therme, located in the village of Banya, Razlozhko, just 7 minutes (by car) northeast of Bansko, which you already know well from my post last year - Grand Hotel Therme - top SPA luxury between three mountains, which I presented to you in the summer of 2023.

Grand Hotel Therme
Grand Hotel Therme

This year, at the beginning of the month of April, this beloved partner of ours once again extended an invitation to us and my family and I were once again All inclusive guests of this remarkable place, for five impressive days the Grand Hotel Therme immersed us completely in its perfectly enchanting Spa surprises that, day after day, seemed to have no end!

Grand Hotel Therme
Grand Hotel Therme

Meanwhile, in the few months since our previous visit here, the Grand Hotel Therme had opened its new and ultra-modern Pulse Therme Wellness and Spa Thermal Center, spread over an incredible 6,000 square meters of space, and my wife and children were buzzing with anticipation. let's try it all out!

Therefore, dear friends, the focus of this post of mine will be precisely on the new Pulse Therme wellness and spa area - such a pleasant surprise for me, for my family and for all of you - the future guests of the remarkable Grand Hotel Therme.

We checked in quickly, smoothly and with a smile, settled into the spacious and so sunny rooms, gazed at the snow-capped teeth of Pirin, breathing in the beautiful and clean mountain air, standing on the vast terraces, supported ourselves in the amazing main restaurant, which again managed to pleasantly surprised us with exceptional, even perfect dishes and fresh drinks and after a short break we put on our white robes and rushed into our family exclusive spa experience!

I close my eyes again...

Here I am again in the middle of that wonderful warm connection connecting the Grand Hotel Therme and the newly built ultra-modern spa oasis of tranquility - Pulse Therme!

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
The way to spa magic

The start of the warm connection to the Pulse Therme is located immediately after the entrance to the Grand Hotel Therme spa, which is well known to you.

I think you should all be aware that the Pulse Therme Spa can also be visited by non-Grand Hotel Therme guests for a daily or half-day fee. So if you are in Banya, Bansko, Razlog and the surrounding area, you can easily come, buy a ticket and enjoy everything here.

  • Half day pass – this is a ticket with a validity of 4 hours and it is possible to enter only until 12:00

  • Day pass - this is an entry ticket valid until the end of the working day, regardless of when you enter

You should also know that the entrance for anyone holding said ticket is opposite the main entrance of the Grand Hotel Therme, you just don't enter the hotel but go down the spiral stairs opposite the sliding hotel door.

The working hours of the Pulse Therme spa center are the same as the Grand Hotel Therme spa area - from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. every day without interruption.

Just a few more steps...

Here I am at the door...

I reach forward, push the glass door open and set off on another magical spa adventure!

Looking up, I see the unique ceiling from which countless cylinders hang—probably hundreds, perhaps even thousands—shaped like the curves of the mountain ridges that surround this wondrous place on all sides.

The catchy beat of soft jazz wafts from everywhere around me. I take the rhythm by the hand and the three of us are already one - jazz rhythm, me and the wellness and spa center.

Wellness & SPA – the magic of water

Dear friends, do you know where the word spa comes from and what it means?

  • Sanitas Pro Aqua – This is the first and most ancient meaning. Latin is the origin and means health through water

  • Sauna Pool Area - as you can probably guess, the second meaning of the abbreviation in question is of English origin and generally refers to an area with a sauna and a pool

  • Spa – the small and cute Belgian town of the same name and located in the Wallonia region, in the very heart of the Ardennes (about 35 kilometers from Liège). Centuries-old green forests surround the Spa and from them breathe fresh mountain healthy air, but the real wealth is the waters. The town is world-famous for its numerous hot mineral springs, where for centuries people sought health, peace, beauty and relaxation. In Roman times, the place was known as Aquae Spadanae / Sepadonae (sometimes wrongly associated with the word spargere - to make noise, splash) because the waters gushing here are slightly carbonated and full of air bubbles.

Finally, let me summarize - over the centuries, near the places where hot mineral springs gushed, people created baths around which cities grew. Water healed, relieved pain, gave health, beauty, peace and washed away stress from the bodies.

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
Outdoor mineral pool at Pulse Therme

The new and ultra-modern wellness and spa oasis of health Pulse Therme is fed with healing hot mineral water from its own thermal spring at a temperature of 58 degrees Celsius. The water has a proven healing effect, both for bathing - externally, and for drinking treatment - internally. The water from this spring helps lower high blood pressure and has a calming effect.

Probably the most characteristic quality of mineral water from the miraculous springs of Banya is its energization!

What does that mean? This means that after the various water treatments the effect is toning and stimulating, and not the usual relaxing one.

A similar effect of mineral water is found only in the world-famous alpine resort of St. Moritz - the heart of winter tourism in Switzerland, but there it has a much lower degree and flow rate.

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
Star heaven pool at Pulse Therme

The water is clear, colorless, thermal and with very pleasant drinking and tasting qualities.

As I saw for myself, mineral water has an extremely beneficial effect on the skin, making it softer.

An extremely detailed publication about the village of Banya and its many healing hot mineral springs, about the chemical composition of the water gushing here, about what diseases it helps and how to use it, I have collected and described in my detailed publication Banya, Razlozhko - the richest of a mineral springs village in Bulgaria, which awaits you here on my site "Photo Moments", and you just follow the links.

I invite you - take some time for yourself and take a dip in one of the pools with healing mineral water! This will free you from the stress and tension of the hectic everyday life.

It has been repeatedly proven that warm mineral water helps a person to relax, to have a full rest - physically and mentally, which is of great importance in today's tense and so high-speed and fast-paced world!

It is no coincidence that the first of all spa magic that guests have the pleasure of literally taking is the "Kneipp path".

Indoor Kneipp Therapy Pool "Kneipp Path" (14+)

Who is Mr. Kneipp and why does a trail bearing his name first greet us at this Pulse Therme wellness and spa oasis?

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
Kneipp path in Pulse Therme

Well, I have researched everything for you in advance and now I will share it with you.

Mr. Sebastian Kneip is a German Catholic priest and one of the founders of the naturopathic movement. It is most commonly associated with the Kneipp Cure form of hydrotherapy, the application of water through various methods, temperatures and pressures to achieve various therapeutic or healing effects.

Therefore, the first spa treat you will notice upon entering here is the Kneipp path.

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
Kneipp path in Pulse Therme

Walking on the path, abundantly paved with small round river pebbles, prepares the body for the further wellness and spa adventure - blood circulation and exchange processes are stimulated and improved by sequentially passing first (and mandatory) through a warm and then through a cold bath.

I take off my robe, hang it on the hanger nearby, take off my flip-flops, and take the Kneipp path.

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
Kneipp path in Pulse Therme

Stepping on the rounded river pebbles, combined with the impact of the water, has a reflex effect on the internal organs, optimizes the work of the immune system, massages the blood vessels of the lower limbs, improves the dew, increases the tone and the overall mood - the smile is already firmly on my face and I I feel cheerful, lively, fresh and in perfect condition.

And now I suggest that you also follow me - first in the warm bath, and then in the cold one!

The warm water, which is usually between 30°C and 34°C, serves to give a feeling of relaxation and well-being. A cold bath, maintained on average between 18°C and 20°C, is useful for toning and invigorating the body. Therefore, their alternation creates a thermal shock, which generally causes stimulation of the circulatory and immune systems.

Walking on the path, which should last at least 30 minutes, necessarily begins and ends, always with the warm bath.

As I have already told you, the river pebbles on the bottom exert an effective natural foot massage that saturates the tissues with oxygen, reducing the feeling of swelling and heaviness in the lower limbs, and in general it is quite fun, and in a special way, tickling my feet, it brought back the smile on my face where it belongs.

I'm ready for more spa adventures! Definitely!

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
Indoor Wellness pool with mineral water at Pulse Therme

I look around and almost immediately my attention is completely absorbed by the huge and impressive indoor mineral pool with a pleasant bubbling sound.

Indoor Wellness pool with mineral water (14+)

I hang my robe on a nearby hanger and slowly step into the water.

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
Indoor Wellness pool with mineral water at Pulse Therme

The temperature of the healing liquid is maintained at around 38°C - almost the heat of the human body and it really doesn't feel warm or cold - I feel it perfectly!

Opposite me are the huge picture windows, through which the unusually strong April sun pushes to join me in the water. Apparently he likes it here too.

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
Indoor Wellness pool with mineral water at Pulse Therme

On the periphery under the windows are shaped jacuzzi areas, which, believe me, will make you feel incomparably pleasant, truly comfortable; they will relax you pleasantly, massaging your muscles and toning your body.

At the bottom of the pool is a fantastic area for underwater jet massage and hydrotherapy.

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
Indoor Wellness pool with mineral water - zone for underwater jet massage and hydrotherapy

Underwater jet massage is particularly suitable for post-traumatic conditions, muscle and tissue damage, blood circulation problems, sciatica, cerebral palsy, metabolic problems.

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
Indoor Wellness pool with mineral water - zone for underwater jet massage and hydrotherapy

The massage effect on the body is provided by the nozzles embedded under the incredibly comfortable metal underwater sunbeds.

Underwater massage can be used effectively for therapy of the whole body or individual parts of it - for complete relaxation, weight loss, toning of the back, for heavy legs. The great advantage of this type of hydrotherapy is general physical recovery in case of severe muscle tension.

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
Indoor Wellness pool with Pulse Therme mineral water

Underwater jet massage stimulates blood circulation and lymph circulation, thereby stimulating the metabolism and contributing to the overall detoxification of the body.

The therapy relieves stress, relaxes the muscles and has a direct effect on the lymphatic system. It also increases the body's immunity as a whole.

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
Indoor Wellness pool with mineral water at Pulse Therme

I stand in front of the panoramic window. Spring is already here - in Banya.

The newly arrived guests from Africa - the cheerful swallows, dart across the blue, welcoming the warm weather and the sun.

The tree outside has stretched its branches towards me and is kind of waving. I feel in my heart that he is smiling. Green leaves have sprouted on its branches, and the more impatient ones, spoiled by the unusually warm April weather, have already shown themselves.

Check out my new green makeover. - I feel like it.

I in turn smile at him, relaxing completely in the pleasant mineral water.

On the horizon, the westernmost outskirts of the Rhodopes impress with their beauty.

I take a deep breath - what a beauty! What a charm! What peace!

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
Indoor mineral pool with stars at Pulse Therme

Opposite the large indoor Wellness pool is a smaller indoor pool, which features a rather interesting lighted ceiling, and I am slowly making my way to it now.

Indoor mineral pool with stars (14+)

Observing the interestingly placed multi-colored LED lights above the water, I personally named it, well, for myself - the pool under the spiral galaxy!

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
Indoor mineral pool with stars at Pulse Therme

The numerous LED lights were like hundreds of fireflies, their flashes reflected in the water, creating magic! I shot them especially for you!

Just look at them glistening in the water!

On the periphery of the pool are also shaped jacuzzi areas, which, believe me, will make you feel incomparably good!

The temperature of the healing mineral water is maintained at around 38°C.

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
Indoor mineral pool with stars at Pulse Therme

Opposite the indoor mineral pool with stars, an extensive relaxation area has been built with incredibly comfortable sunbeds, on which you can relax at any time, enjoying the rhythm of jazz and the gentle hand of your loved one.

Each sun lounger has an adjustable backrest and suggests serious relaxation.

Scandinavian relaxation area

Here you will find a 3D electric spa decorative fireplace and a row of relaxing sunbeds arranged in an arc.

The decorative fireplace even perfectly recreates the crackle of burning sticks and wood, and you just relax and stare into the flame. Don't think about anything, just indulge in complete relaxation.

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
Scandinavian relaxation area at Pulse Therme

The steam lights play on the walls and on the ceiling, the rhythm of jazz caresses my senses and I think of a sauna.

Several impressive saunas have been built on this level.

Steam bath with shock pool (14+)

Opposite the 3D fireplace is my favorite huge steam room with a shock pool.

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
Steam bath with shock pool at Pulse Therme

Entering the room, the heat quickly enveloped my body.

I inhale and exhale slowly, letting the steam seep deep into every pore of my skin. When I've absorbed enough heat, I slide slowly into the cold shock pool.

Characteristics and effect of the steam bath with a shock pool on the human body:

  • It has an extremely relaxing effect on the body

  • Improves tone

  • Improves blood circulation

  • It brings incomparable relief after a hard workout or a tough week

  • Strengthens immunity

  • The contrast between the temperatures rejuvenates the skin and makes it supple and soft

  • Reduces cellulite

  • Soothes, invigorates, tones and rejuvenates

I feel like a different person! Somehow younger, more energetic, more alive and so healthy!

Treat yourself to this incredible experience in the new ultra-modern Pulse Therme wellness and spa area of the Grand Hotel Therme!

Experience the peace, feel the health, touch the beauty!

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
Finnish panoramic sauna at Pulse Therme

After the deep cooling, I head to the Finnish panoramic sauna.

Finnish panoramic sauna

Come on, come with me!

As you can see, the Finnish panoramic sauna is spacious and cozy.

I get on the third-highest row so I can breathe in the hottest air possible. I freeze without moving.

Minutes pass...

I feel even more energetic, cheerful, toned and full of energy.

But how is this possible?! Is it magic?!

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
Finnish panoramic sauna at Pulse Therme

While you are relaxing in the sauna, on the huge 65" display you will take a walk around Bansko, and you can also jump to the snowy slopes of Pirin.

Characteristics and effect of the Finnish panoramic sauna on the human body:

  • It has an extremely relaxing effect on the body

  • They burn 250 to 400 calories per minute

  • Sauna effect of detoxification of the body

  • Soothes and relaxes the muscles in the body

  • Improves blood circulation

  • Increases immunity

  • Soothes, invigorates, tones and rejuvenates

Aroma steam bath

As soon as I opened the door, the fresh eucalyptus air penetrated deep into my lungs, unclogged my sinuses and filled my head with euphoria!

Characteristics and effect of the aroma steam bath on the human body:

  • Humidity: Maintained at 100%

  • It has an extremely relaxing effect on the body

  • They burn 200 to 400 calories in 30 minutes

  • It has a restorative effect on the body

  • Increases oxygen flow to cells

  • Improves blood circulation

  • Soothes, invigorates, tones and rejuvenates

Predictably, I felt thirsty.

The mild water (blagata voda spring)

Right next to the steam bath with a shock pool, there is a wonderful place with rich healing water to drink.

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
The mild water at Pulse Therme

The mild water - this is how the people of the village of Banya call one of their many mineral springs in Banya. They claim that it is particularly healing. It is located at the end of the village near the old Turkish bath. The people of Banen say that thanks to the water gushing from this mineral spring, they managed to heal both external wounds and internal diseases.

Locals are convinced that water helps even with infertility. It is said that it is healthy, has a pleasant taste and is very useful.

I also quenched my thirst with the most healing water of Banya village.

I felt surprisingly hungry.

I hasten to share with you all that Grand Hotel Therme's new ultra-modern Pulse Therme wellness and spa area has a truly impressive new restaurant called Aperi Therme and I now hasten to introduce it to you in the most appropriate way.

The wonderful Aperi Therme restaurant is located on the upper level of Grand Hotel Therme's new ultra modern Pulse Therme wellness and spa area and can be accessed in two ways and I will now show and tell about both.

One option is coming from the hot link connecting the Grand Hotel Therme and the Pulse Therme, immediately turn right on the stairs or take the elevator next to them.

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
To the Aperi Therme restaurant

Another option to access the Aperi Therme restaurant is to take the stairs near the Scandinavian relaxation area with the 3D decorative fireplace and the saunas that I have already told you about.

Whichever of the options you choose, you will reach the remarkable Aperi Therme restaurant and your hunger will inevitably be satisfied.

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
Aperi Therme Restaurant

I open the door and enter.

Aperi Therme Restaurant

The Aperi Therme restaurant is definitely a special Drink & Taste corner in this ultra-modern spa center, where I can recharge my batteries during the day with a varied brunch menu specially prepared by the top chefs of the Grand Hotel Therme.

Space, luxury and beauty!

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
Aperi Therme Restaurant

Amazing, indescribably pleasant atmosphere!

Rhythmic music, plenty of light, charm and coziness!

Countless culinary masterpieces, built and arranged like a parade await you here!

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
Aperi Therme Restaurant

Wood and stone abound throughout the interior of the restaurant.

Everything is decorated and arranged with style and attention to detail.

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
Aperi Therme Restaurant

To recreate in the most impressive way the perfect and unique atmosphere of the Aperi Therme restaurant, the refined and selected dishes and drinks that every guest of this remarkable place will have the pleasure of tasting, relaxing in the deepest delight in the comfortable and soft furniture, I captured strange photo moments for you and collected and arranged them in a special photo album for you!

And you, dear friends, follow the link and enjoy the Aperi Therme restaurant in a particularly unique way!

By pressing this button, you will be forwarded to a special photo album with unforgettable photo moments from the Aperi Therme restaurant.

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
Aperi Therme Restaurant

When the evening comes, when the darkness falls, there is fun here! Every Friday and Saturday this place rocks with a live DJ party.

So the remarkable Aperi Therme restaurant, located on the second floor of this ultra-modern Pulse Therme wellness and spa center, has another unique feature that instantly became my favorite.

That's right, dear friends, this is the vast panoramic terrace overlooking the slender curves of the graceful Rila, covered with a white coat.

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
The panoramic terrace of the Aperi Therme restaurant


Especially when it gets dark and the crickets start chirping and the crackle of the fire gently sings to them. In the distance - somewhere on the horizon, it is dark, but the ridges of Rila sparkle in white!

It is beautiful and deeply etched in my heart!

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
A view of Pulse Therme's outdoor mineral pool

That's right, dear friends, you are right to note that in addition to the Rila and the Rhodopes, the panoramic terrace of the Aperi Therme restaurant also has a wonderful view of the crown jewel of the Pulse Therme - the amazing huge outdoor mineral pool, which is also available for children, but for him I have dedicated a special place a little further in my post.

Suitably hungry, I head back to the restaurant, from where I embark on new, even more engrossing spa delights!

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
The extensive area for incomparable alpine relaxation and tranquility of the Pulse Therme

Leaving the Aperi Therme restaurant and taking a right, I find myself in a new and incredible world of calmness, beauty, an incomparably relaxing atmosphere, predisposing to only one thing - a complete and complete rest!

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
The extensive area for incomparable alpine relaxation and tranquility of the Pulse Therme

Space of comfort!

Wonderful, even wonderful, no - an immensely charming corner, woven of tranquility!

The incredible alpine relaxation area

I stand amazed, I stand amazed!

How could I even describe this?!

Space woven from delicate calmness! Amber tenderness!

Dear friends, this is the deeply impressive alpine relaxation area – a magical combination of healing water, unparalleled beauty, subdued light and relaxing silence!

I observe a second, centrally located 3D decorative fireplace, next to which ten lounge chairs arc curved.

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
The extensive area for incomparable alpine relaxation and tranquility of the Pulse Therme

The fireplace is centrally located in front of a huge steam room with a shock pool.

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
The extensive area for incomparable alpine relaxation and tranquility of the Pulse Therme

Incredibly soft, muted amber light fills the entire interior and creates a unique atmosphere for rest and relaxation.

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
The extensive area for incomparable alpine relaxation and tranquility of the Pulse Therme

Nine electric sun loungers with adjustable temperature are located in front of a high stone wall. I lay down on one and let the heat seep into my body along with the jazz beat.

I close my eyes...

Amber light gently soothes and invites sleep.

It's so relaxing...

It's so nice...


I decide to try out the large steam room with a shock pool. I reach out and open the glass door.

Her warmth and humidity surround me from all sides.

Steam bath with shock pool (14+)

It's so huge!

In the center of the room there is a beautiful cold pool.

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
Steam bath with shock pool at Pulse Therme

Sit down. I let the humidity completely fill my lungs, exhaling deeply.

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
Steam bath with shock pool at Pulse Therme

Little by little, the incredible heat in the room makes me seek the freshness of the cold shock pool.

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
Steam bath with shock pool at Pulse Therme

I walk slowly - one step at a time. Ice water wakes me up! The feeling is incomparable!

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
Steam bath with shock pool at Pulse Therme

This is so refreshing! It is indescribable!

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
The extensive area for incomparable alpine relaxation and tranquility of the Pulse Therme

Leaving the steam room, I take the stairs to the self-contained relaxation area.

With each step I was overcome with an indescribable joyful feeling caused by the beauty around me!

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
The extensive area for incomparable alpine relaxation and tranquility of the Pulse Therme

It's so beautiful here! True magic! Unheard and unseen amber magic!

I take a proper rest here and go back down.

Two absolutely impressive pools have been built on this level - one indoor and one outdoor.

Star heaven pool (14+)

The indoor mineral pool has the fabulous name Star heaven pool and is romantically beautiful! Here enjoy!

I dive into the water, and around me – a wonderful starry sky! Romance has completely taken over this place!

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
Star heaven pool at Pulse Therme

The temperature of the healing mineral water in the pool is maintained at around 38°C.

To the left is the exit to the outdoor Infinity pool.

Outdoor Infinity pool (14+)

The infinity pool is fantastic! Standing here I can see the horizon that seems to merge with the water around! Real magic!

From the upper level of the Pulse Therme, I walk back down the stairs towards the huge indoor mineral water Wellness pool, pass it and a new spa surprise pops up in front of me.

Volcano indoor mineral pool with fireplace (14+)

This is another Pulse Therme magic – water and fire!

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
Volcano indoor mineral pool with Pulse Therme fireplace

As I enjoy the healing power of the mineral water, I contemplate the fiery games of the illuminated steam.

Across from the Volcano indoor mineral pool with fireplace is lavender spa magic!

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
Lavender sauna at Pulse Therme

I haven't cracked open my door yet and the lavender aroma therapy is already soothing my being.

Lavender sauna

This is the only lavender sauna on the territory of the whole spa complex!

And I can boldly say that she is impressive!

The scent of lavender is known for its ability to reduce stress and tension, calming the nervous system and promoting better sleep.

The scent of lavender is gentle and captivating. Its aroma transports us to the Bulgarian lavender fields, where time stands still and the soul relaxes.

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
Lavender sauna at Pulse Therme

Lavender is an easy color to love. The reason is that it grabs you both with its external beauty and its pleasant charm. With its small blue-purple flowers, lavender is both realistic - very present in slender rows spreading across the field, and magical - as if it confuses your mind with all its beauty.

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
Lavender sauna at Pulse Therme

The scent of lavender has the ability to act on the subconscious and unlock long-forgotten memories. That's why old people often say that memories smell like lavender.

I slept like a rock that night!

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
Outdoor mineral pool at Pulse Therme

Past the indoor Volcano mineral pool with fireplace and lavender spa magic is the door that leads outside to the crown jewel of Pulse Therme.

Outdoor mineral pool, also available for children

The outdoor mineral pool immediately became our favorite spot!

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
Outdoor mineral pool at Pulse Therme

Along its length, the pool is mirror-divided into two completely identical zones, that's why whichever zone you choose, you won't go wrong.

Each of the zones, in turn, is divided into three sectors of different depths, with the middle one having a depth of over a meter and a half.

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
Outdoor mineral pool at Pulse Therme

On the periphery of all sectors are shaped jacuzzi areas, which, believe me, will make you feel incomparably pleasant, truly comfortable; they will relax you pleasantly, massaging your muscles and toning your body.

At the bottom of the pool and in its two mirror areas are formed sectors for underwater jet massage and hydrotherapy.

Underwater jet massage is particularly suitable for post-traumatic conditions, muscle and tissue damage, blood circulation problems, sciatica, cerebral palsy, metabolic problems.

The massage effect on the body is provided by the nozzles embedded under the incredibly comfortable metal underwater sunbeds.

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
Outdoor mineral pool of Pulse Therme

Behind the two extensive mirror areas, another huge pool has been built, with an impressive number of sunbeds placed along the entire length.

Grand Hotel Therme – Pulse Therme
Outdoor mineral pool of Pulse Therme

In the evening, the pools are properly lit and are a place for relaxation and fun.

The indoor pools in the indoor spa area of Pulse Therme are only accessible to visitors over the age of 14!

The spa's large outdoor mineral pool is also available for children!

Dear friends, even at this moment when I am writing these lines, I am sure that Pulse Therme is preparing a dozen more new spa surprises for us, which he will soon share with all of us!

You will find more information here:

How do you get to the village of Banya, Razlozhko?

Banya is a village in Southwestern Bulgaria. It is located in Razlog municipality, Blagoevgrad district.

It is located in a mountainous area at 801 meters above sea level. in the center of the Razlog valley between three mountains – Pirin, Rila and Rhodopes.

The village is located very close to both the city of Bansko and the city of Razlog - only 5 (five) kilometers to each settlement.

The Septemvri - Dobrinishte railway line, which was built in the 1930s, runs from here.

Banya is 52 kilometers from the regional town (about 53 minutes by car).

The climate in the area is mountainous and allows the retention of the snow cover from December to April, and the alpine nature of Pirin Mountain provides excellent conditions for professional and amateur skiing.

Banya is located at:

  • 156 kilometers (about 1 hour and 51 minutes by car) from the capital

  • 146 kilometers (about 2 hours and 30 minutes by car) from the city of Plovdiv

  • 512 kilometers (about 6 hours and 23 minutes by car) from the city of Varna

  • 396 kilometers (about 4 hours and 30 minutes by car) from the city of Burgas

How do you get to Pusle Therme?

Pusle Therme - Bulgaria's new ultra-modern spa center was built as part of the Grand Hotel Therme.

The Grand Hotel Therme is located in the eastern part of the village.

Entering the village of Banya from the north on Republic Road II-84* continue straight until you reach the roundabout marked BANYA.

Banya village, Razlog

Here take the third exit (leading to the left). Keep going straight until you reach the roundabout at the end of the street. Take a right here. The signposts will make your journey as easy as possible and in a minute you will be in front of the hotel.

*Republicanski path II-84 is a second-class road, part of the Republic road network of Bulgaria, passing through the territory of Pazardzhik and Blagoevgrad districts.

Its length is 104.8 kilometers.

Absolutely the same applies if you are entering Banya from Bansko - continue straight until you reach the same roundabout, then turn right.

The distance from Grand Hotel Therme to Nikola Vaptsarov Square, located in the Old Town of Bansko, is about 7.4 kilometers (about 12 minutes by car).

For all skiers and fans of the mountain - the distance from the Grand Hotel Therme to the parking lot of the "Bansko" cable car is less than 9 kilometers and can be traveled by car in exactly 16 minutes.

Always free parking space

The Grand Hotel Therme car park is extensive and you will always find a parking space here.

Grand Hotel Therme
Grand Hotel Therme

Something more!

Do you have a modern ecological electric car?! That's great!

Grand Hotel Therme's private parking offers you a dedicated parking space complete with its own charging station!

Or maybe you want to take an ATV tour of the surrounding area? No problems!

Well, you are at the Grand Hotel Therme, which invites you to explore the beauty of the Pirin area with an ATV!

Dear friends, and before I show you what interesting sights you can see nearby, I would like to remind you about the special photo album, which has collected incredible beauty and impressive photo moments just for you, a link to which you will find at the end of the post!

Enjoy it!

What can be seen nearby?

Here is what you can see in the village of Banya, Razlozhko - the richest village in mineral springs in Bulgaria!

Banya village, Razlozhko
Banya village, Razlozhko

In the village of Banya, you can explore the Old Bulgarian Bath, built in the Roman style.

The old Bulgarian bathhouse in the village of Banya, Razlozhko
The old Bulgarian bath

В село Баня може да разгледате старата турска Муртина баня (османски хамам).

Муртина баня (османски хамам) в село Баня, Разложко
Муртина баня (османски хамам)

В село Баня може да видите паметника на Неофит Рилски.

Паметник на Неофит Рилски в село Баня, Разложко
Паметник на Неофит Рилски

Само на 6 километра северозападно от село Баня (на около 11 минути с автомобил) се намира чудния Разлог.

Град Разлог, заснет от панорамна площадка "Стъпалата"
Град Разлог, заснет от панорамна площадка "Стъпалата"

В Разлог ви предлагам да поемете по "Стъпалата".

От мястото ще имате великолепната възможност да се насладите на изумителна гледка към три планини – красивия Пирин, изящната Рила и гордите Родопи.

Зеленият, подреден, цветен, свеж и невероятно красив градски парк на Разлог също е място, което не бива да пропускате да посетите.

Разходката из града ще ви успокои, удиви и впечатли, ето защо просто я направете.

Само на 6 километра южно от град Разлог (на около 11 минути с автомобил) се намира град Банско.

Изглед-панорама към Пирин и град Банско
Изглед-панорама към Пирин и град Банско

За този великолепен град, издигащ се насред феноменално красивите зелени склонове на Пирин, мога да разкажа наистина много, ето защо ви предлагам да посетите моята специална публикация "Един необикновен уикенд в Банско", в която съм събрал цялата неподправена емоционална атмосфера на този великолепен пирински край.

Съществува в град Банско една къща, чиито стаи били чудно изрисувани с дивни прелестни картини, нейните стени от камък били майсторски изографисани с уникални причудливи приказни орнаменти, а от таваните се усмихвали слънца, резбовани от дърво.

Фини краски,

разни форми,

завъртулки всякакви,

уникални, интересни, та чудесни!


Музей "Велянова къща" в град Банско
Музей "Велянова къща" в град Банско

Разказват, че именно любовта – истинската, вечната, неугасващата, неразрушимата, неувяхващата, нестихващата, силната, непреходната, святата – е вдъхновила автора на тези изящни фрески да ги създаде!

Чудната къща и днес е запазена, а нейната знаменита стенна живопис, грее и блести по-ярко от звездите на небосклона и разказва за любовта на Уста Велян и неговата любима – София Бенина!

Музей "Велянова къща" в град Банско

Това е изразът на любовта на Уста Велян към своята София, чудно изографисана и разказана ни тук – завинаги!

Веляновата къща е обявена за архитектурно-строителен паметник на културата с национално значение в брой 87 на Държавен вестник от 1967 година.

Декоративната украса на Веляновата къща е обявена за художествен паметник на културата с национално значение в брой 59 на Държавен вестник от 1973 година.

През 1977 година къщата е отворена за посещение.

Музей "Велянова къща" в град Банско е обект номер 1 от 100-те национални туристически обекта на България.

Музей "Велянова къща" в град Банско

Нека вашата чудесна банска разходка ви отведе и до родната къща на патриарха на българските учители и книжовници Неофит Рилски – Бенината къща.

Паметник на Неофит Рилски в двора на родната му къща в град Банско
Паметник на Неофит Рилски в двора на родната му къща в град Банско

Бенината къща, както също е известна, е с характерна архитектура, типична за възрожденските къщи, издигани през XVIII век ÷ XIX век в Банско – с дебели каменни стени, с високи зидове и с бойници в зидовете, т.е семейна къща-крепост.

Обявена е за архитектурно-строителен и исторически паметник на културата с национално значение.

Къща-музей "Неофит Рилски" в град Банско е обект номер 1 от 100-те национални туристически обекта на България.

Бенината къща в град Банско
Бенината къща в град Банско

Съветвам ви да чуете страхотната беседа, която уредниците на това чудесно място поднасят на своите гости.

Освен че разгледах с огромен интерес цялата къща-музей, с голяма доза детско любопитство заедно с моя син се промушихме през тайните ѝ коридори.

Бенината къща в град Банско

...тоз див Светогорец – за рая негоден,

и фърляше тайно през мрака тогаз

най-първата искра в народната свяст.

Из "Паисий"

Иван Вазов

Паметник на Паисий Хилендарски в град Банско
Паметник на Паисий Хилендарски в град Банско

Нека вашата чудесна банска разходка ви отведе и до монумента на Паисий в центъра на Стария град, издигнат през 1977 година по проект на арх. Стойчо Тодоров.

Паметник на Паисий Хилендарски в град Банско

Каменните страници около Паисий символизират неговата "История славянобългарска".

Положеният паметен камък на мястото на родния дом на Паисий Хилендарски в град Банско
Положеният паметен камък на мястото на родния дом на Паисий Хилендарски в град Банско

През 1922 г. пожар унищожава до основи родния дом на Паисий Хилендарски. И тъй като спомените избледняват, банскалии решават да сложат на мястото на изгорялата къща камък с паметен надпис, за да се помни къде е роден първият български будител, запалил най-първата искра и положил основите на Възраждането по българските земи в онези тежки, дълги, жестоки, неприветливи, тъжни и така тъмни години на робство.

Духовно-исторически център "Свети Паисий Хилендарски" в град Банско
Духовно-исторически център "Свети Паисий Хилендарски" в град Банско

Паметният камък стои самотен до 2002 година, когато в близост до него започва изграждането на Духовно-исторически център "Свети Паисий Хилендарски".

Паметник на Никола Вапцаров в град Банско
Паметник на Никола Вапцаров в град Банско

Родом от Банско е един от моите любими поети Никола Вапцаров. Винаги съм усещал неговите стихове по един несравним, незаменим и различен начин – някак живи, вкопчили се в живота със страшна сила, без да го изпускат ни за миг.

Музеен комплекс "Никола Вапцаров" в град Банско

И сега, когато се разхождам из родния му град, аз не пропускам да посетя дома, в който е израсъл, който междувременно е превърнат във впечатляващ музеен комплекс, намиращ се на площад, носещ неговото име, насред който се издига негов паметник, а отсреща се белее сградата на народното читалище в Банско и познайте – наименувано е "Никола Вапцаров – 1984".

Музеен комплекс "Никола Вапцаров" в град Банско
Музеен комплекс "Никола Вапцаров"

Музеят на Вапцаров е задължителна спирка от чудния бански тур за всеки гост на града и аз категорично го препоръчвам!

Музеен комплекс "Никола Вапцаров" в град Банско
Пано-фото история на поета

Разположен в центъра на Банско, музеят е не само част от площадното оформление, но и един от символите на чудното планинско градче.

Музеят се помещава в къщата, в която поетът е живял след 1912 година.

Бронзов барелеф върху родния дом Никола Вапцаров в град Банско
Бронзов барелеф върху родния дом на поета

Вапцаров не е роден в къщата, в която израства. Родният му дом се намира на минути от площад "Никола Вапцаров" и върху стената на къщата днес има окачен бронзов барелеф с лика на поета.

Домът, в който се е родил Никола Вапцаров
Домът, в който се е родил Никола Вапцаров

Паметникът на Никола Вапцаров е разположен в центъра на град Банско.

Паметник на Никола Вапцаров в град Банско
Паметник на Никола Вапцаров в град Банско

Музеен комплекс "Никола Вапцаров" в град Банско е обект номер 1 от 100-те национални туристически обекта на България. Обявен е за паметник на културата с национално значение.

В Банско се намира Кабинков лифт Банско.

Кабинков лифт Банско
Кабинков лифт Банско

Най-популярният в България ски курорт – Банско разполага с удобни и безопасни лифтове, от които гостите на града могат да се възползват през цялата година.

На разположение на жителите и гостите на курорта са два шестседалкови, шест четириседалкови, два двуседалкови лифта и един кабинков лифт, който е и най-атрактивния и предпочитан лифт в града.

Кабинковата въжена линия "Банско – Бъндеришка поляна" е с дължина на трасето от 6 233 метра, което я нарежда на второ* място по дължина.

*Първенството се държи от Симеоновската въжена линия на Витоша, която е с дължина на трасето 6720 метра.

Гондолата, както още наричат кабинковия лифт Банско, е произведен от австрийската компания Doppelmayr през 2002 г.,(днешната австрийско – швейцарска компания Doppelmayr-Garaventa) и е въведен в експлоатация през 2003 г.

Кабинков лифт Банско
Кабинков лифт Банско

Трасето, през което преминава лифта, е с денивелация от 597 метра, а капацитетът на съоръжението е около 2 000 души на час.

Станциите на осем местният кабинков лифт Банско са три – долна (начална), междинна и горна (крайна).

Долната (начална) станция се намира на 998 метра н. в. и отстои на около 2,5 километра от центъра на Банско.

На долната станция на лифта се намират и касите, от които могат да бъдат закупени билетите и картите за ползване на лифта.

Междинната станция е ситуирана в местност Чалин валог на 1468 метра н. в.

Тук вариантите на туристите са два – или да слязат от лифта, за да се разходят и спуснат по пистите на Чалин валог, или да продължат към горната станция на лифта.

Последната част от трасето на кабинковия лифт започва от междинната станция "Чалин валог" до Бъндеришка поляна.

Бъндеришка поляна в Пирин
Бъндеришка поляна

Местност Бъндеришка поляна, където е ситуирана горната (крайна) станция на лифта е едно от най-атрактивните места за летен и зимен туризъм в Пирин планина.

Как се стига до Кабинков лифт Банско?

На 8 километра източно от град Банско (на около 9 минути с автомобил) се намира чаровното бижу Добринище.

Град Добринище
Град Добринище

В Добринище ви предлагам да си направите поредната несравнима разходка и да посетите Балнеолечебницата на града, край която е изграден чуден и зелен парк.

Църквата "Св. св. апостоли Петър и Павел" е изящна, красива и ви предлагам да я разгледате по време на вашата разходка.

Църква "Св. св. апостоли Петър и Павел" в Добринище
Църква "Св. св. апостоли Петър и Павел"

Центърът на Добринище е прекрасен и предлага спокойствие, чар и красота на своите посетители.

Сградата на кметство Добринище
Сградата на кметство Добринище

Само на 14 километра северно от село Баня (на около 18 минути с автомобил) ще откриете китното рилско селце Добърско. Разходката тук е безмерно удоволствие и не бива да я пропускате!

Село Добърско
Село Добърско

В селото се намира уникален национален паметник на културата – добърската църква "Св. св. Теодор Тирон и Теодор Стратилат", която смятам, че е твърде известна, за да ви приканвам да я посетите, защото вероятно вече сте го направили.

Добърската църква "Св. св. Теодор Тирон и Теодор Стратилат"
Добърската църква "Св. св. Теодор Тирон и Теодор Стратилат"

А вероятно търсите атракции и смели забавления?! Ако е така то парка за мечки над Белица, сгушен из красивите рилски дебри е точно за вас!

Само на 14,5 километра североизточно от село Баня (на около 18 минути с автомобил) се намира красива Белица.

Град Белица
Град Белица

На около 12 километра североизточно от град Белица (на около 22 минути с автомобил) по един тесен и в някои участъци доста прашен път в дън горите на Рила се намира парк за мечки, който ви приканвам да посетите.

Със сигурност около село Баня и град Банско може да се посетят все качествени и много интересни обекти, екопътеки, маршрути и места. Аз ще ви посъветвам да поемете по пътя, водещ към хижа "Вихрен".

Край пътя се оглеждайте за отбивка край невероятно красивата, свежа и впечатляващо красива река Демяница.

Демяница е река от басейна на Места, която събира водите на шест езерни групи – Василашки, Валявишки, Превалски, Типицки, Къркъмски и Газейски езера. Под името Валявица води началото си от Валявишките езера на 2400 метра н. в. Първоначално тече на запад, но след като минава през местност Тияците, се насочва право на север. Водосборният ѝ басейн се изчислява на 37 кв. км. Средният наклон е 102 промила, тоест на всеки километър линейна дължина реката се спуска с повече от сто метра. Край хижа "Демяница" приема два големи притока – отляво Василашката река, а отдясно Газейската река. След това в нея се вливат още две реки – Къркъмската отляво и Юлен отдясно. Това я прави сравнително пълноводна река с дебит около 1,5 куб. метра в секунда.

Над Банско Демяница се слива с река Бъндерица и двете заедно образуват река Глазне. Общата дължина на река Демяница до сливането с Бъндерица е около 14 километра.

Ето, насладете ѝ се и усетете свежестта на планината!

Само на 14,5 километра от Банско (на около 34 минути с автомобил) по пътя, виещ се из Пирин в посока хижа "Вихрен" се намира едно чудато и много, ама много старо дърво.

Дърво на годините на България!

Дами и господа, представям ви Байкушевата мура!

Байкушевата мура
Байкушевата мура – 1300 години история

И като за финал, мили мои приятели,

не бива да пропускате да разгледате

специалния албум с фото моменти –

открити, изживени, заснети и споделени с вас!

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