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  • Writer's pictureStefan Ivanov

Open lidless eye

Updated: Feb 22, 2023

Quite famous among photographers is the abandoned mine of the same alien color near Tsar Asen.

Abandoned mine in Medet pass

Much less known is this mine, which I will present to you today.

Abandoned mine in Medet pass

This is the Medet mine, which you can see in case you are take on the road Zlatitsa - Panagyuriski kolonii.

The mine began to be developed more than half a century ago - back in 1964.

The years go by and the hill is diligently and gradually dug up, until it inexorably turns into a deep crater, which the poisonous blue-green and turquoise water slowly fills and turns into this open / poisoned sinister eye, in the middle of the mountain.

Medet was once the largest open-pit copper mine in Europe and the third largest in the world. Then, in Panagyurishte, for the first time on the planet, open mining and enrichment of ores with a copper content of less than 0.4% was undertaken - something that over time has become a technology.

The mine has not been used for a long time, but the place looks like an exotic post card - because of the copper oxides in the sediment at the bottom, the water is colored turquoise blue.

Abandoned mine in Medet pass

Properly arranged concentric "terraces", shaped like rows in a theater and waiting for the spectators of the grotesque performance - a human drama with elements of slow and painful horror!

But it's beautiful ....

In his own way ...

And somehow not from this planet.

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