Dear friends of "Photo Moments", walks in our most beloved Hisarya are definitely healthy and have an extremely good effect not only on our mental health, but, skilfully combined with drinking its healing water from its many warm mineral springs, lead to a sensitive improving our overall health! And this is a well-known fact!
That's why don't underestimate the great healing power of Hisarya's living water!

In this post, I will specify what the mineral composition of the water gushing from each of the springs (at least those that have been studied) is and what diseases it helps.
The healing water gushes from different depths, and on its way to the surface it passes through different earth layers, which gives it different healing properties.
Currently, there are 22 mineral springs on the territory of Hisarya with different physico-chemical characteristics and temperature and with proven healing properties - 16 natural and 6 deep-drilled.
All waters are clear, colorless, thermal and with very pleasant drinking and tasting qualities.
In terms of chemical properties, they are sodium-sulfate-hydrocarbonate, with a high alkaline reaction and low hardness. The content of hydrocarbonates and sodium is predominant and therefore fall into the category of low mineralized waters - below 2 g/l.
The mineral waters of Hisarya are used both for drinking treatment of kidney-urological, biliary, gastrointestinal and liver diseases, and for bathing in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, metabolism and endocrine system and gynecological diseases. Also, the water from the springs has an extremely beneficial effect on the skin, making it softer.
Take time for yourself and look for a pool or spring with mineral water! This will free you from the stress and tension of the hectic everyday life. It has been repeatedly proven that warm mineral water helps a person to relax, to fully rest - physically and mentally, which is of great importance in today's crazy world!
The foundations of the organized balneotherapy in Bulgaria were laid in the city.
In 1882, the government of Eastern Rumelia issued the "Regulations for the Operation of Hisarya Baths". In the laboratory of the Sanitary Council in Plovdiv, the Czech chemist Sosterjonek made a chemical analysis of the water from five Hisarya springs - this is the first chemical analysis of mineral water in Bulgaria.
Spring "Momina Banya"
The mineral water from the "Momina Banya" spring has the highest radon content, which makes it the most indicative for the treatment of urological diseases and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The water is alkaline, hydro-carbonate-sodium and fluorine, without color and smell and with such a pleasant taste.

How do you get to the "Momina Banya" mineral spring?
Entering Hisarya from the south (on the road through Staro Zhelezare or on the road Kaloyanovo – Chernichevo), continue along "Hristo Botev" boulevard and at the intersection with "General Gurko" boulevard, turn right.
If you enter Hisarya from the east, you pass the "Momina Banya" neighborhood and at the same turn-off take the "General Gurko" boulevard.
After passing the colorful sign HISARYA, look around for a small parking lot on the right, where you can leave your car (and take down the containers for pouring water 😉).
You cross the boulevard and go down the steps towards "Momina Banya" park, where you will find the "Momina Banya" spring.
This is one of the oldest gushing mineral springs!
Detailed chemical composition, indications and method of treatment of the living water gushing from the "Momina Banya" spring:
Water temperature: 46°C
pH: 8.8
Radon content: 165 emanations / liter
Metasilicic acid: 61 mg/l
Fluorine: 4.5 mg/l
Calcium: 4 mg/l
Sodium: 58 mg/l
Chlorides: 8 mg/l
Sulphate: 28 mg/l
Hydrocarbons: 91 mg/l
Magnesium: trace amounts
Indications for treatment:
Renal and urological diseases - primarily kidney stone disease
Gastrointestinal diseases
Liver-biliary diseases
Endocrine-metabolic diseases – diabetes, gout and others
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
Main biological effect of mineral water:
Enhancement of diuresis
Tissue washing - antitoxic effect
Breakdown of fat deposits
It enhances purine metabolism and removes uric acid from the body
Stimulates gastric secretion
Improves liver functions
Treatment methods:
External balneotherapy
The radioactivity of the mineral water, especially of "Momina Banya", makes it possible to carry out radon inhalations.
I have very carefully transcribed this information for you from the whitewash sign hanging on one of the walls near the water pavilion at the "Momina Banya" spring.
As you can see for yourself, the living water that gushes from here is extremely valuable and so healthful, as I have personally seen, so along with your walks around and climbing the steps around, drink from the water of this spring and you will be healthy and very happy!
Of course, combining drinking water from all the healing springs of Hisarya, the effect will be even greater!
The catchment* of the "Momina Banya" spring supplies healing mineral water to both the "Momina Banya" drinking pavilion, which you can find in the "Momina Banya" park, and the fountain in the same park.
*it is built in the presence of a source, i.e. water on a self-spill, in practice a concrete tank is built with a sediment in which the water is collected and distributed.

Near the spring "Momina Banya" and opposite the colorful sign HISARYA, we find a water kiosk "Kolonada Momina Banya".
Water kiosk "Momina Banya Colonnade"
The mineral water from well No. 3 is hyperthermal, hydrocarbonate-sodium, fluorine and contains radon.
This is one of the hottest springs!

How do you get to the water kiosk "Kolonada Momina Banya"?
Entering Hisarya from the south (on the road through Staro Zhelezare or on the Kaloyanovo – Chernichevo road), continue along "Hristo Botev" boulevard and turn right at the intersection with "General Gurko" boulevard.
If you enter Hisarya from the east, you pass the "Momina Banya" neighborhood and at the same turn-off take the "General Gurko" boulevard.
At the colored sign HISARYA, turn left, and immediately on the right you will see the water kiosk.
Parking in front of the colonnade is allowed for a stay of up to 15 minutes (until you pour water).
Detailed chemical composition, indications and method of treatment of the living water gushing from the spring borehole No. 3 at the "Kolonada Momina Banya" water kiosk:
Water temperature: 51.2°C
pH: 9.09
Radon content: 26.19 emanations / liter
Metasilicic acid: 58.91 mg/l
Fluorine: 5.50 mg/l
Calcium: 3.42 mg/l
Sodium and calcium: 56.8 mg/l
Chlorine: 8.36 mg/l
Sulphate: 32 mg/l
Hydrocarbons: 67.12 mg/l
Magnesium: trace amounts
Manganese: not determined
Aluminum: 2.48 mg/l
Contains radon
I have very carefully transcribed this information for you from the posted sign hanging above the "Momina Banya" Colonnade water kiosk (well number 3).
Momina salza spring
The catchment of the "Momina Salza" spring supplies healing mineral water to both the Colonnade fountain and the "Momina Salza" drinking pavilion, which you can find in the "Momina Salza" park.
This is the most delicious Hisarya water!
The mineral water from the "Momina Salza" spring is poorly mineralized and contains many trace elements.
The colonnade
You will find the Colonnade next to "Ivan Vazov" boulevard and directly opposite the "Momina Salza" fountain.

It is used for drinking treatment - mainly for gastrointestinal diseases.
Momina salza water kiosk

How do you get to Momina salza water kiosk?
Entering Hisarya from the south (on the road through Staro Zhelezare or on the road Kaloyanovo – Chernichevo), continue along "Hristo Botev" Boulevard and turn right at the intersection with "Ivan Vazov" Boulevard.
If you enter Hisarya from the east, you pass the "Momina Banya" district and at the same turn-off take the "Ivan Vazov" boulevard.
At the Colonnade, turn left onto "Gladstone". At the first straight, turn right along "Alexander Stamboliyski" and past the archaeological museum. Coming out on "Krepostna" street, turn right in the direction of "Kamilite". Immediately after the main south gate, turn right.
There are two options here: you leave your car in the parking lot on the left, or you park, if there is space (or you really have a lot of containers to pour 😉), right in front of the alley leading to the "Momina Salza" water kiosk.
Detailed chemical composition, indications and method of treatment of the living water gushing from the "Lily's Tear" spring:
Water temperature: 41°C
pH: 8.2
Radon content: 28 emanations / liter
Metasilicic acid: 41 mg/l
Fluorine: 4.5 mg/l
Calcium: 7 mg/l
Sodium: 63 mg/l
Chlorides: 15 mg/l
Sulphate: 30 mg/l
Hydrocarbons: 94 mg/l
Magnesium: trace amounts
Indications for treatment:
Gastrointestinal diseases
Liver-biliary diseases
Endocrine-metabolic diseases – diabetes, gout and others
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
Main biological effect of mineral water:
Enhancement of diuresis
Tissue washing - antitoxic effect
Breakdown of fat deposits
It enhances purine metabolism and removes uric acid from the body
Stimulates gastric secretion
Improves liver functions
Treatment methods:
External balneotherapy
I have very carefully transcribed this information for you from the whitewash sign hanging on one of the walls near the water pavilion at Momina salza spring.
The Stublata fountain is located opposite the "Momina Salza" water kiosk.
Fountain Stublata
The mineral water gushing from the tap is the coolest – 31°C.
Use to wash the eyes.

Several springs with different chemical content and temperature are located in the area around the "Momina Salza" water pavilion.
Toplitsa spring
"Toplitsa" is one of the hottest springs with a temperature of 51°C and the first bath was built on it, used as far back as the Roman era.

The water was used for balneotherapy and was suitable for gynecological diseases.
Bistritsa spring
Near the "Toplitsa" spring I find the "Bistritsa" spring.

The temperature of the spring water is 45°C. It was only used for bathing.
The water from the "Bistritsa" spring was particularly suitable for skin diseases - it refreshed the skin, making it soft, soft and very beautiful.
That is why in the past this gift from the Creator was mainly used by ladies.
Spring "Freshness"
Opposite the two springs is a third named "Freshness".
Even today you can see the building of the "Freshness" mineral bath located opposite the "Toplitsa" mineral bath, both of which are currently not functioning.
The water in the mineral bath had a temperature of 41°C, and in the pool it cooled to 37°C. It was used to treat mainly neuroses.

It is said that at the beginning of the last century, the Svezhest mineral bath had no changing rooms, which is why the bathers took off their clothes in the opposite building of the Toplitsa mineral bath and hurried to Svezhest.
"Mermaid" Spring
Balnolechebnica "Rusalka" is fully functional today. It is located near Dimitar Blagoev Street, which curves under the huge arch of the main western gate of the ancient city.
The water temperature slightly above the normal body temperature of the human body.

The water gushing from the "Mermaid" spring is particularly useful for the skin, and it also relieves various joint diseases and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
It also helps with stomach ailments.
This unique and so healthy wealth, with which our most beloved Hisarya is so graciously endowed - the hot healing mineral springs gushed in these same places already thousands of years ago.
The Romans were well aware of the healing power of healing mineral springs, which is why not only Roman thermal baths (mineral baths - once ancient spa centers), but also large, beautiful and rich cities grew up nearby.
In conclusion, I will share with you, friends, that the effect of living Hissar water is more than positive in combination with long walks through the beautiful Hissar parks!
So, visiting Hisarya next time, don't forget my best advice!
With much health from me to you!
Electronically yours,
"Photo Moments"