Apart from its healing hot mineral springs and its rich historical heritage, Hisarya is also famous for its beautiful, tidy, green and so peaceful parks.

As you will see for yourself in its magnificent qualities, Orpheus dale park in Hisarya is green and calm, and in spring and autumn - extremely colorful. It has wonderful walking and cycling alleys and is the only park in the city of Hisarya where you can hear the roar of waterfalls!

Orpheus dale park is also known as the "Peace and Friendship Park", as can be seen from this inscribed stone plaque, located in its northern part, by the large pedestrian and bicycle alleys, parallel to the eastern fortress wall of the ancient city.
How to get to Orpheus dale park in Hisarya?
The park is located outside the ancient city of Diocletianopol.
To the north, the boundaries of the park reach to "Hristo Botev" boulevard. To the east, the park borders the eastern fortress wall of the ancient city in one part, in the middle it reaches as far as the main southern gate "The Camels", and to the west it borders some of the hotels of the city of Hisarya.

Near the stone plaque "Park of Peace and Friendship" is the heart of the park - it is a flower garden shaped in the shape of a heart.

Color explosion
Dear fans of "Photo Moments", during the most colorful season of all - spring, the walks through Orpheus dale park will literally stun you, mainly because of the blooming of the Cercis siliquastrum.
In those sunny, smiling, warm spring days at the end of April and the beginning of May, along the alleys of Orpheus dale park, there is a real storm of shades - color explosion!
The hum of bees hovers in the air - an idyll for our senses! Everything shines and overflows in a unique warm spring emotion, sprinkling indescribable magical musical tones of the new life being born!

Violet. Pink. Pink-violet. Violet-pink. Colors everywhere!
Of so many shades of violet, yellow is envious and tries to stand out in front of pink dyes.
The blooming flowers of the yellow acacia color the air the shades of the sun.

A color euphoria that makes our hearts sing and cures bad moods!
In addition to the blossoming trees, the ground in the park is also glowing - hundreds, even thousands of colorful smiles have appeared everywhere, spreading their colors all over the park and delighting everyone passing by!
The dozens of magnolia trees stretch their branches towards the warm sun and dissolve their majestic flowers.

Yellow blooming forsythias are everywhere in the park and radiate warmth like thousands of little suns!
The tender wisterias, sculpted by the great hands of the Lord, delight passers-by with their unique forms.

The majestic thick green crowns of the mighty chestnuts shine in white colors.

I walk around, thirsty for great emotions after the gray and gloomy winter season, and Orpheus dale park gives me everything - sunny emotions, rich spring colors, magnificent scents, humming bells and countless smiles!
The green in the leaves of the trees, the white flowers of the blossoming chestnuts, the yellow acacias and the violet-pink colors of the Cercis siliquastrum in a single photo moment! Enjoy this sensual view, friends!


My dear friends, as I already mentioned to you at the beginning of the presentation of this next favorite park of mine, here you can hear the sound of falling water.
It's amazing, because while you're marveling at all the blossoming majesty, you can view, photograph and feel the living spray of some wonderful Hisarya waterfalls!

Golden & ancient Ginkgo

The color explosion, so characteristic of this area of the city of Hisarya, continues at full steam in the autumn!
Look at the ginkgo - it has put on its expensive golden makeover and is important, important, perching in Orpheus dale park.

No other tree is so golden-yellow, so beautiful and so sparkling!
Ginkgo biloba is the only species of its family still in existence today, and its existence can be traced back in Earth's history all the way back to the Jurassic period, when dinosaurs roamed the Earth.
This miraculous plant has remained unchanged until today.
You will always know it - by the sharp crown and long untidy branches. Its roots are deep and ginkgo is resistant to wind and snow. It forms a large number of shortened branches, on which the leaves are arranged in a rosette. The leaves are single on the elongated branches. They have a very characteristic fan-shaped shape, usually notched at the tip, hence the epithet "biloba", i.e. "two-lobed". The leaves have a very characteristic archaic venation - each vein entering the petiole into the petiole forks into two, then each fork into two more, and so on. until the branches reach the edge of the leaf. This type of branching is called "dichotomous" or "dichotomous".
In autumn, ginkgo leaves turn bright yellow, then fall, sometimes in just 1 to 15 days.
I managed to fit in this short period and here it is - Ginkgo biloba in all its golden glory now before you!

Or maybe you got tired of walking? No problems!
All around Orpheus dale park you will find great new benches - treasures for your tired bodies.
Sit down. Take a rest. Look at the beauty around you. Listen to nature.

Summer theatre
The summer theater of the city of Hisarya is located in Orpheus dale park.

The summer theater was built in the style of ancient amphitheatres, fully in the spirit of ancient Roman cities, and has 1,700 seats.

It was opened in 1960 and concerts are held on its stage, both by professional ensembles and amateurs.

How to get to the summer theatre?
The summer theater is located opposite the one-way "Krepostna" street, which follows the eastern fortress wall of the ancient city.

So, next time you visit Hisarya, my dear friends, in addition to the traditional visits to the mineral springs, do not miss to visit Orpheus dale park and experience complete peace and harmony with nature!
I wish you wild beauty, a fabulous walk and magical emotions!